On Thursday, February 1,2024, during a regularly scheduled monthly meeting, a revision proposal to change the dates of officer nominations and voting, was made by the board. To prepare for this year, and possible upcoming years, we feel the dates need to be changed for nominations and voting from May and June, to April and May, due to the earlier school year end date.
An announcement was made informing the Boosters that the by-laws posted in the post below of the newly revised by-laws, was not the most recently revised version. The by-laws linked in this post will have ALL the revisions made during the June 2023 meeting, the August 2023 emergency meeting, and the proposal of date changes, (noted in red) in the February 2024 meeting, to be voted upon at the March 7, 2024 meeting. You can find the by-laws HERE
On Thursday, August 3, 2023, at an emergency meeting, the Board proposed a few amendments to our recently revised by-laws. These amendments will be voted on at our next scheduled meeting on Thursday, September 7,2023. Please review these amendments, written in red, before the next meeting. These amendments can be found HERE
The Executive Board made revisions to the By-laws in the Spring of 2023, and those revisions were reviewed and voted on during the June 1, 2023 Booster Meeting. The newly revised By-laws can be viewed HERE