The Marching Pirates of Perquimans County is comprised of some of the musically talented kids from 8th-12th grade. The Marching Band is a very important aspect of the Band Programs, as they play during public events such as football games and parades, as well as compete against other local school bands
Your child could join the Marching band as early as 8th grade! 8th grade students have to prove they are ready to take on the important role as a PQ Marching Pirate, and representing Perquimans County. Respect and responsibility are a must when working with a team, and the Marching band is not only a team, but a family. If the Director of Bands for PCMS thinks your 7th grade student is musically capable, responsible and mature enough to be a part of the PQ Marching Pirates, an invite will be given to them. Not all students are given the opportunity to march in 8th grade, so if this is a goal for your child, they need to work diligently in 6th and 7th grade, to be offered this opportunity.
The Marching Band kicks off the new school year with Band Camp! Band Camp is an integral part of Marching season. This is where new Marchers learn the ropes and inner workings of Marching Band. Your child will be taught the importance of stretching, breathing, and hydrating, as well as body do's and don'ts. Band Camp is held the first 2 weeks of August each year. (Possibly the end of July depending on the dates) Not all members attend week 1 of camp, so please pay attention to your paperwork. ALL members of the ensemble, including Color Guard, attend week 2.
Marchers will have practice every Thursday from 3:30-6:00 pm starting the first week of school, and lasting throughout the month of October. Tuesdays will be sectionals, and that information will be provided to your child as the director sees fit. These practices are mandatory for all Marchers, except for valid excuses. (Please notify the Director if you're unable to attend a practice.) Students will meet in the PCHS band room and will have practice in the band room, on the field behind the Board of Education building, and sometimes on the Football field across from PCHS. Your child will need to bring at least 1 gallon of water every day for practice. Hydration is vital to ensure the health and safety of your child! Absolutely NO ENERGY DRINKS before or during practice, football games or competitions! Bug spray and sunscreen are also highly recommended.
Competitions are held on Saturdays during the month of October (Bandtober), and sometimes September and November. Competition info will be sent out, and posted on this website when that information is available to us. Sometimes, depending on the location and our performance time, we may leave the school VERY early, or arrive back to the school VERY late. Your student will be required to ride the activity bus to ALL competitions, but you may sign a Deviation Form to bring your child home after competitions. ALL Marching Pirates must return to the bus after the competition, and parents can then sign their child out from a Director, to take their child with them.
The Marching Band, PCHS Pep Band and Drumline will perform before and during every home football game. The National Anthem will be performed before the game, and stand tunes will be played during the game. There will also be Half Time shows performed during most or all games. Your Marcher needs to make every effort to be available to play at ALL of these Football games, as they are MANDATORY. For more info about Football Games, click HERE
Every year the Marching Pirates march and play during the Christmas parade in Hertford. The parade is the 1st Saturday in the month of December. There is a possibility that they may be in other local parades, but that information will be decided and announced closer to the holiday season.
Marching Band is a BIG commitment! Practices, rehearsals, games, competitions, and parades... full attendance for all, is the only way to ensure a successful marching season for the Perquimans Marching Pirates! Every effort MUST be made to attend and be ready to put in the work and dedication.